keep writing memes

20 Motivational Memes for Writers

Writing is hard work, and sometimes we need a little motivational boost to open that document and keep plugging away at ye olde novel. After all, writers become authors by motivating themselves to write every day. These beloved characters are here to look us in the eyes and tell us to keep writing — through 20 motivational memes for writers.

1. Professor Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter is proud of your words.

Professor Minerva McGonagall says "Is it true you wrote some words? Have a biscuit."

Who doesn’t love this iconic moment?

2. Maybe you’re more of a Snape fan. Here he is to tell you to get back to writing.

Snape from Harry Potter tells you to get back to writing.

Just imagine the look of disgust he’d give you for your lack of focus — your lack of commitment! Gasp.

3. You resisted both McGonagall and Snape — but can you ignore Dumbledore?

Dumbledore from Harry Potter asks "Didn't you say you were going to WRITE today?"

That’s right, he remembers that you said you’d write today.

4. Doctor Who tells you to keep your priorities straight.

Doctor Who says "Sorry, but don't you have a novel to write?"

This one’s for all you Whovians out there. Sorry, but don’t have you have a novel to write?

5. Westley from The Princess Bride reminds you that sometimes writing is pain.

Westley as the Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride says that "Writing is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."

And as writers, we know that growth is often painful (well, our characters do, anyway).

6. Loki fans — here you go.

Tom Hiddleston, Loki actor, says "Hello Darling, That thing you're writing is awesome. Don't stop."

Or is it Tom Hiddleston fans? Either way, he’s here to remind you that that thing you’re writing is awesome.

7. Here he is again to tell you to get back to writing.

Loki says "Stop staring. Get back to writing."

I know it’s hard. I know how much you love him. But look at the words, not at Marvel’s Norse god!

8. Gandalf is that mentor you don’t want to disappoint.

Gandalf says "Any why are you not writing right now?"

Go, little hobbit, go! Write so Gandalf will be proud of you.

9. Okay, he isn’t messing around anymore. Write, you fool!

Gandalf says "Write, you fool!"

Bring this one out when #8 fails you. 

10. Perhaps you need Elrond’s encouragement?

Elrond from Lord of the Rings says "You should deem it wise to resume your writing."

He deems it wise you resume your writing. (Okay, I’m done with LotR memes, I promise.) (Just kidding, I have a whole Pinterest board full of LotR memes.)

11. Dory — the most motivated fish — would make a great book coach.

Dory from Finding Nemo says "Just keep writing...just keep writing..."

When life gets you down, do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep writing, just keep writing… Now hum that under your breath for the next couple of hours.

12. Olaf: Why isn’t she writing? Do you think she knows how to write?

Olaf from Frozen says "Write. Just write! Why isn't she writing? Do you think she knows how to write?"

Olaf from Frozen can teach us the positivity we need to keep writing. He is the epitome of positivity.

13. Jon Snow tells you to keep writing.

Kit Harrington as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones tells you to keep writing.

Can you resist that crooked smile? Forget the Starks — Kit Harrington for King in the North.

14. Annie Wilkes is here to be your number one fan. (The keep writing memes got dark.)

Annie Wilkes from Stephen King's Misery says You should be writing. No. Seriously.

Maybe you’re motivated by fear? 😬

15. Sherlock is confused that you’re not writing.

Sherlock Holmes says "Your word count is too low. Why aren't you writing?"

He’s right; it’s illogical to want to write a novel but not, in fact, do any writing. 

16. Castiel is confused, too.

Castiel from Supernatural says "I am confused. Why are you not writing?"

Pretty much all the time. He’s always confused. It’s adorable.

17. Your lack of writing is disturbing to Qui Con Jin.

Qui Con Jin from Star Wars says "Feel the force, let it flow through you. Keep writing."

Take a deep breath. Feel the force. Keep writing.

18. Maybe you’re motivated by the scorn of Violet Crawley, fierce Countess of Grantham.

Violet Crawley, the Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey, says, "You've written how many words?"

That woman has steel in her spine (and seriously, is there a better example of a likable unlikable character?)

19. Save Bucky Barnes — hit your word count.

Bucky Barnes from Marvel's Captain America says "They won't let me out until you hit your word count. Start writing."

We want to let him out, right? Right?

20. And lastly, a sweet PSA from Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson says "Hey, writer, great to see you. Just wanted to say I'm really proud of you for taking on this challenge. But you know, you're not going to make it by sitting here staring at me. Close the browser. Open your document, grab your notebook. Write a thousand words or ten pages or something. Make a small goal and meet it. I'll be here when you get back. You got this!"

He’s right, you know. You’ve got this!

Motivated Yet?

With that breadth of coverage across the fandoms, I hope you found what you needed to keep making progress on your WIP. The world needs your story. 

Keep writing,


(Why do I have so many of these? No, I swear I don’t spend hours pinning book memes on Pinterest!)